Monday, March 26, 2012

A Place at the Table, feast day 4

As I have mentioned before, I expected this fast thing to be second nature by this point in the process.  I figured after a couple of weeks, this thing would be old hat.  Well, that has certainly NOT been the case.  Even though we have only two weeks (12 days) left of this thing, it seems like we'll never get through this. But one thing that I think I've gotten REALLY good at is the art of the feast day.

You could probably call it the pig-out day.  I have turned cramming as much food as possible into a day into an art form.  Yesterday we were up painting the big girls' room, and I just happened to hit a stopping point right at midnight.  So I stopped.  And ate a reprise of what the girls had for dinner.  Well, since it is my custom to go up to church on Saturday night to make sure all my ducks are in a row, I did that for a couple of hours.  Then, when I came home to so to bed, I loaded some Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a bowl of milk (dang, I miss cereal!) and headed to bed happy and full.

Since I've never been a big breakfast guy, the caramel macchiato from Starbucks was sufficient for me to get going after a few hours of sleep.  Church was its usual rocking and sweaty mess, then I kicked the afternoon off with a bacon cheeseburger from McDonald's.  Not my favorite choice of restaurants, but since Tinsley gave up McDonald's for lent and since she's really figuring out this feast day thing with us, I want to reinforce that in her.  Plus, we had a softball opening ceremony that we had to run to after church, so we needed something quick!

The evening consisted of our group reading four chapters of Mark on location, followed by an all-meat pizza at One Guy from Italy.  We feasted and laughed and told stories and dreamed and planned and feasted.  Have I mentioned that we feasted?  I love the community of people that God has placed in my life.  It is a blessing to fast and feast with them.

I can't imagine what the immediate future holds for our group, but I don't think I've ever been quite so excited about church as I am right now.  It is a scary exciting time for our family, and I can't wait to see where this leads.

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