Saturday, March 31, 2012

A Place at the Table, days 30-34

I knew that this week would be a hard one to blog, but I didn't expect myself to sit out the ENTIRE WEEK!  I haven't even read my assigned reading in "A Place at the Table."  There has just been too much going on.  And probably too many memories for me to try to unpack.  I suppose that there will be time for that in the future.

This week has been about transitions.  I spent several days clearing out my office and boxing up my books -- always a good exercise.  I have so many good books I need to read.  Then I spent a day or two going through the building making sure that I have all of my stuff.  It really is amazing how much stuff one can accumulate in 10 years of ministry at a place.  (Not that there are just a bunch of folks that work at the same church for that long, but there are a few of us.)  Wednesday night was the last worship practice with some of my favorite people in the world -- people that I have laughed with and cried with, screamed with and whispered to, argued with and agreed with, eaten with and misbehaved with (especially Aaron, Edwin & Dusty).  I spent the week interviewing at different places for employment.  My wife would really like for that aspect to line up quickly.  I also worked my newly-acquired t-shirt sales gig, chasing down shirts and jobs and designs.  (If any of you need a t-shirt made, look me up!)

So as I sit here in my blogging chair for the first time this week on the night before my last Sunday at Raintree, those memories are making it a little difficult to blog.  I'm afraid that if I started to try to put some memories down in this blog, I'd become a blubbering mess and not ever finish this blog.  You can't pour your heart into people for 10 years and NOT have stories -- both good and bad -- to tell.  Marriages saved and broken.  Kids rebelling and staying close to Christ.  Songs that were well received and, well . . . .  Memories.  I'd better stop before this gets too sappy.  Maybe I'll get sappy in a few weeks.

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